
Honorary Committee



Prof. PhDr. Peter Kónya, PhD.  
HM Rector University of Presov in Presov    

The Most Rev. Dr. h.c. ThDr. Ján Babjak, PhD. 
Archbishop and Metropolitan of Prešov
The Great Chancellor of the University of Presov
Greek – Catholic Theological Faculty

The Most Rev. Milan Chautur, CSsR
Eparcha of Košice    
President of the Committee on Family
of the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia  

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Koziołek  
HM Rector University of Silesia in Katowice

The Most Rev. Dr Wiktor Skworc
Metropolitan Archbishop of Katowice
The Great Chancellor of Theological Faculty
in the University of Silesia

The Most Rev. Prof. dr hab. Artur Miziński
General Secretary
Polish Bishops’ Conference



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